The latest in Gunshot Detection Technology

WHITE PAPER: Detect and notify 911 in seconds

In an active shooter scenario, seconds count.

5 minutes is the average time taken to call the police following a gunshot.

The AmberBox system uses the latest in third generation gunshot detection technology to detect and notify law enforcement on a call in under 3.6 seconds

About us

Since 2013, AmberBox has lead the market in gunshot detection technology. 

We provide protection to Fortune 500 companies, schools and colleges, government and others across the globe.

Learn more about how the three detection elements work (percussion, infrared and machine learning sound) and how systems are deployed, in our white paper.

Get the white paper:


Detects the two distinct audio signatures produced by a gunshot: the muzzle blast and bullet shockwave. 


Senses the muzzle flash of a gunshot caused by the combustion of gunpowder mixing with the ambient air.


Utilizes machine learning analysis to compare sounds detected against thousands of gunshot samples.

DISCOVER how third generation detection works

UNLOCK the power of security integrations


LEARN MORE in the white paper

"AmberBox Is our trusted vendor for gunshot detection. We started with our headqurters and have expanded into all our branches"

Senior VP Security, Leading US Bank

AmberBox’s 3rd generation gunshot detection technology overcomes the key problems with legacy products. These systems either have false alarm issues or require a line of sight to the shooter, requiring lots of high cost sensors to have adequate coverage. The unique 3rd generation technology is without false alarm issues or a line of sight requirement, making effective coverage possible.

AmberBox is manufacturer agnostic, allowing you the flexibility to integrate with almost any security system currently installed. AmberBox can integrate with a wide variety of security products, including:

  • Access Control - Lockdown zones of a building in the event of an active shooter
  • Video management systems - Automatically display the key camera feeds close to the gunshot
  • Mass notification - send a message with exact incident information to your entire organization

Learn more about how your existing systems are integrated to AmberBox in the white paper.

EXPLORE the emergency response platform

Real time tracking

Health monitoring

Detectors self-check to ensure they are always fully operational

Track shooter movement throughout the incident

Shooter intent classification

Determine the nature of an incident and tailor response

Coordinate the 911 response

Maximise effectiveness of first responder actions

The AmberBox Response Platform provides the ultimate tool to remain constantly informed and respond quickly to a gunshot incident. The cloud-based platform can be accessed via desktop and mobile devices, allowing data to be viewed in real-time on rapidly evolving active shooter incidents, anywhere, anytime.